
That is how much the penalties can cost you for each subcontracted employee who is not registered with the Social Security. And this is just one real example of many that are being reported by contracting companies like yours.

Daily ITA is the digital solution that saves you from taking on responsibility, from as little as €49 per company per year.

In the words of one of our customers:

“There are two things that I don’t understand and that keep me awake at night because of what might happen… First, I’m concerned about the number of new faces I see in my centres. People that arrive, leave for a few days, come back… Secondly, I don’t understand what I’m doing asking for a single TC2 or ITA per month that doesn’t tell me which employees are on or off work for the rest of the days other than the one they send to me.”

And he was absolutely right.

It was the same story when we spoke to customers who told us that, indeed, there are companies that are up-to-date and highly compliant, and others that are not so compliant.

And like that main contractor who paid €263,000, there have been many others who arrive because they have to pay the price of having employees from other companies who are not registered in their centres.

That’s why we started our engines and…

came to the following conclusion: Habits are not always good and should not always be respected.

Daily ITA

the only platform on the market
connected to Social Security

go from this… monthly TC2/ITA

With a monthly TC2 or ITA you only know the registration status of the employees on a certain day of the month, potentially leading to serious liabilities in the event of an inspection or accident.

… to this daily ITA

With daily ITA you’re in control of the registration of all the employees who access your centres every day – it’s automatic and always up-to-date. Easy and safe.

The innovative and automated solution to avoid the consequences of irregularities in employee Social Security registration.

Discover the employee verifier software that connects directly to Social Security and automatically sends employees’ ITAs to your METACONTRATAS CBA platform.

How does it work?

You don’t need to upload any documents manually. Your suppliers and subcontractors choose:

Option 1:

Perform an authorisation to the network system. And we’ll take care of the rest.

Option 2:

Install our tool. Just by having the computer switched on at the scheduled time, the application automatically downloads and sends each ITA to METACONTRATAS CBA on a daily basis.

Innovation that’s full of benefits

Daily ITA

Discover the tool that connects directly with Social Security and shows you which employees are registered each day.

The employee verification software for as little as €49/company/year